Junnan Wang
Junnan Wang is a ph.D. candidate in Management (Decision Sciences Area) at INsEAD, expected to graduate inJune 2025. Her research focuses on forecast aggregation and evaluation, using the wisdom of the crowd toenh an ce predictions, particularly in uncertain or complex forecasting scenanios. She applies Bayesian statistics inher work.
Her current research includes the Fair Skill Brier Score for evalu ating pro babilistic forecasts of one-off events withdiferent numbers of categories, coauthored with Barbara Mellers (Upenn), Lyle Ungar (uPenn), and ville Satopaa(iINSEAD), which is under major revision at Management $cience. She also works on regularized aggregation ofpoint predictions from experts with different amounts of past performance data with ville Satopaā (INSEAD)Ad dition ally, she stu dies predicting tail qu antiles using forecasts for a single central qu antile, collaborating with ZhiChen (Nus) and LongZhao (Nus).Junnan holds a B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, an M.sc. in Applied Economics from NanyangTechnological University, and a Master in Management Sciences from INSEAD.