姓名: 吕召松
简介: 吕召松 教授 明尼苏达大学 Zhaosong Lu is a Full Professor in the Department of Industrial andSystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He received PhD inoperations research from Georgia Institute of Technology. His researchinterests include theory and algorithms for continuous optimization, andapplications in data science and machinelearning. He has publishednumerous papers in top-tier journals of his research areas such as SlAMJournal on Optimization, SlAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, SIAMJournal on Scientific Computing, SlAM Journal on Matrix Analysis andApplication, Mathematical Programming, and Mathematics of OperationsResearch. His research has been supported by NSERC and NSF. He was afinalist of INFORMS George Nicholson Prize. He also served on this prizecommittee in the past. Additionally, he has served as an Associate Editor forSIAM Journalon Optimization,ComputationalOptimizationandApplications, and Big Data and Information Analytics.