姓名: Qin-Yi Li
职称: 副教授
简介: Dr. Qin-Yi Li is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department ofAeronautics and Astronautics and a joint faculty member at the International institutefor Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (l2CNER) at Kyushu University. He received his BEng. and Dr. Eng. in 2011 and 2016, respectively, both with honors from TsinghuaUniversity, and has been working at Kyushu University since graduation. He is anAssociate Editor of Journal of Thermal Science and ES Materials & Manufacturing. Hereceived the Academic Award of the Heat Transfer Society of lapan in 2021, Best PosterAward (1st Place) and Best Paper Award (2nd Place) of ASME MNHMT Conferences in2019 and 2016, etc. His research interests include thermophysical properties ofnanomaterials, nanoscale heat and mass transfer, nanofluidics, thermal managementand energy harvesting technologies.