姓名: Hibiki Takashi
职称: 香港城市大学机械工程系讲座教授
简介: Hibiki Takashi is Chair Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,Global STEM Professor of Hong Kong SAR Government and Director of Hong Kong Jockey Club STEM Laboratory of Innovative Thermo-Fluid Science. He is the Fellow of American Nuclear Society, Member of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Member of The Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow, Member of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Editorial Board of the Journal of Computational Multiphase Flow, Editorial Board of International Journal of Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid and Editorial Board of Nuclear Engineering and Technology. His research field includes Basic two-phase flow experiments and modeling, Interfacial area transport equation development,Thermal-hydraulic research at micro-gravity conditions, Critical heat flux and heat transfer in mini channels,LWR safety analysis and so on. He has developed more than 40 important constitutive equations and two-phase flow formulation to close two-phase flow equation systems and the internationally-recognized interfacial area transport equation has been implemented in ANSYS Fluent CFD code. He has gotten several honors and awards, including Award for Preeminent Monograph Award by Atomic Energy Society of Japan for modeling of distribution parameters for upward steam-water boiling flows in subchannels of a vertical rod bundle, Technology Development Award by Atomic Energy Society of Japan in recognition of development of the Nuclear Accident Consequence Assessment Code (NACAC) in Thailand, Preeminent Monograph Award, Atomic Energy Society of Japan for development of interfacial velocity correlation for benchmarking porous media based three-dimensional code for steam generator with a square rod array, Technology Development Award by Atomic Energy Society of Japan in recognition of development of advanced simulation code of complicated two-phase flows in steam generators.  