姓名: 黄岚
职称: 博士
简介: Dr. Huang Lan (Lexie) is a dedicated young scholar in the field ofconsumer behavior. Her research centers around understanding consumer perceptionsof advanced technologies utilized in sales and service encounters, such as artificialintelligence, humanoid robots, and the metaverse. She obtained her PhD degree fromHong Kong Baptist University, and her thesis focused on improving customersacceptance of Al applications in creative industries, One of her notable achievementsincludes having her work accepted in the prestigious joural of the Academy ofMarketing Science.Dr. Huang has also had the privilege of presenting her research atesteemed alobal academic conferences, including the American Marketing Associationthe Association of Consumer Research, and the European Marketing Academy. She iscommitted to contributing to the future of marketing by exploring the potential of newtechnolocles inmprovng consume!acceptance and satisfaction.