Development of packaging technology for power electronic devices operating at high voltage and high temperature

讲座名称: Development of packaging technology for power electronic devices operating at high voltage and high temperature
讲座时间: 2024-07-24
讲座人: 匹田政幸
校区: 创新港

报 告 人 :Prof. Masayuki Hikita

单 位:Kyushu Institute of Technology/Osaka University

邀请人:陈玉 教授/电气学院


报告:Development of packaging technology for power electronic devices operating at high voltage and high temperature

时 间:2024-07-24(星期三)下午2:30-4:30

地 点:中国西部科技创新港,黄大年茶思屋西安交通大学站(创 科大厦9楼)多功能厅



Prof. Masayuki Hikita was born in 1953. He received his B.S., M.S. and Dr. degrees in electrical engineering from Nagoya University, Japan, in 1977, 1979, and 1982, respectively. He was an assistant professor, lecturer and an associate professor at Nagoya University in 1982, 1989, and 1992, respectively. Since 1996, he has been a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology. Since 2019, he is a Professor Emiritus of Kyushu Institute of Technology. From 1985–1987, he was a visiting scientist at the High Voltage Laboratory at MIT, USA, He received Doctor Honoris Causa from Paul Sabatie University in 2018. Dr. Hikita has recently been interested in research on development of diagnostic techniques of electric power apparatus, and insulation technology development of power electronics device and apparatus, such as inverter and semiconductor power module. He is a member of the IEEE (Senior member), the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the IEE of Japan (Fellow) and CIGRE.



匹田政幸教授, IEEJ Fellow ,IEEE高级会员,日本应用物理学会会员和 CIGRE Member。 出生于1953年,分别于1977年、1979年和1982年获得日本名古 屋大学电气工程学士、硕士和博士学位。1982年、1989年和1992年分别在名古屋 大学担任助理教授、讲师和副教授。1996年,担任九州工业大学电气工程系教授, 2019年,为退休荣誉教授。1985年至1987年,在美国麻省理工学院高压实验室做 访问科学家。2018年获保罗萨巴提大学荣誉博士学位。匹田教授研究领域包括电 力设备诊断技术的开发和电力电子设备的绝缘技术,如逆变器和半导体功率模块。


主办单位:西安交通大学电气工程学院、电工材料电气绝缘全国重点实验室 陕西省“四主体一联合”新能源电力装备状态评价与电站智慧 运维工程技术研究中心


