周惠久论坛——Tailoring Functionality in Nanostructured Polymer Electrolytes: Exploring 3D Network Morphologies

讲座名称: 周惠久论坛——Tailoring Functionality in Nanostructured Polymer Electrolytes: Exploring 3D Network Morphologies
讲座时间: 2024-06-13
讲座人: Moon Jeong Park 教授
形式: 线下
校区: 兴庆校区

讲座名称:周惠久论坛——Tailoring Functionality in Nanostructured Polymer Electrolytes: Exploring 3D Network Morphologies

讲座时间 2024613   下午15:00

讲座地点 :兴庆校区 仲英楼 材料学院 第一会议室(A245-247


讲座内容:The exploration of three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures in block copolymers involves the manipulation of compositional fluctuations at interfaces, induction of conformational asymmetry, and design of complex architectures. Despite the abundance of such nanostructures identified to date (e.g., triply periodic minimal surfaces and Frank–Kasper phases), the experimental demonstration of thermodynamically stable complex 3D structures with high packing frustration remains limited. In this talk, I would like to show the importance of molecular interactions for stabilizing complex 3D structures and proposes the use of end-group chemistry as a versatile method for realizing thermodynamically stable network structures with high packing frustration in simple linear diblock copolymers. I advocate revising conventional block-copolymer phase diagrams to consider end–end interactions and end-group arrangements. In instances where end-functionalized block copolymers exhibit strong end–end interactions, a broader phase window is occupied by diverse network structures such as gyroid, diamond, and primitive phases. In the latter part of my presentation, I will also share the latest findings from our groups on acid-tethered polymers, with a particular emphasis on the design and synthesis of bifunctional polymers. Through the introduction of two types of functional moieties to precise positions of polymer backbones, ion distribution at distances of several angstroms, ion aggregation at several nanometers, and microphase separation at a few tens of nanometers could be modulated. Computational and experimental analyses have provided insights into how to improve the ionic conductivity across multiscale self-assembled structures of polymer electrolytes without compromising mechanical strength, which is crucial for practical applications.






Moon Jeong Park 教授是高分子科学领域的国际著名学者,美国物理学会的会员,美国物理学高分子物理分会副主席,浦项科技大学化学系的正教授。主要研究方向为带电高分子材料的相行为,传输机制,及其在能量存储和转化中的应用。目前担任Macromolecules 副主编,并担任Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, Materials Horizons等期刊的顾问编委,在 Science, Adv. Mater., Angew, ACS Nano, Macromolecules 等国际期刊上发表论文 100 余篇,引用超过5000 次,并获得了 APS John H. Dillon Medal.奖章。
