Ally or Fade Away:Supplier-complementor Alliances andMembership Duration in Apple's Global Ecosystem

讲座名称: Ally or Fade Away:Supplier-complementor Alliances andMembership Duration in Apple's Global Ecosystem
讲座时间: 2024-03-06
讲座人: 李卅立
校区: 兴庆校区

摘要:Ecosystem governance has gained signifcant traction in strategy research.Contrary to the prevailing focus on complementors, we examine why the ecosystemleader continues or terminates suppliers’ ecosystem membership. Departing from the viewof buyer-supplier relationships, we address the multilateral interdependence inherent inan ecosystem, unveiling the overlooked production complementarities between upstreamand downstream actors.Based on a sample of 320 Apple's suppliers between 2012 and2020, we find that the ecosystem leader is less likely to terminate its relationship withsuppliers who have formed alliances with complementors, This effect diminishes as theecosystem leader faces role-based and activity-based alignment challenges, arising fromits technological dependence on suppliers and suppliers’environmental uncertainty.respectively. The study contributes to research on multilateral interdependenceecosystem governance,and alianment challenges

主讲人简介:李卅立,美国犹他大学国际战略管理学博士,南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院国际商务系教授(全美专业排名第一US News Best University Ranking);雷丁大学,亨利商学院艾伦·鲁格曼研究员。李教授曾获2017年国际商务学会(Academy ofInternational Business)评为“有为学者”,2020年Journal of Business Venturing年度最佳论文的Lazardis奖。 李教授现任管理学期刊(Journal of Management)副主编,世界商务杂志(JournalofWorld Business)资深编辑。企业国际战略《从1到M》的合著者。他的论文刊登于决策科学(Decsion Science),战略管理学期刊(Strategic ManagementJournal),Journal of Management, Joural of Management Studies.国际商业研穷期刊(Journal of International Business Studies),组织科学(OrganizationScience),及哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)等著名国际学术期刊上。他的论文亦多次获得美国管理学年会的年度最佳论文,包括美国国际商务教育与研究中心新兴市场最佳论文。



主办:管理学院 创新创业与战略系

