控制论与人工智能简史 A Brief History of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence

讲座名称: 控制论与人工智能简史 A Brief History of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence
讲座时间: 2020-10-31
讲座人: Jose Carlos Principe
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:控制论与人工智能简史 A Brief History of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence 讲座时间:2020年10月31日上午9点 讲座地点:创新港5号巨构新港报告厅 讲座人:Jose Carlos Principe(美国佛罗里达大学) 讲座内容: This talk will present a brief history of the origins of the two disciplines that led to the design of intelligence machines, which we now call globally artificial intelligence. The most influential players’ contributions will be summarized. The talk will also address the requirements that support AI research and how it can be adopted by the industry. A brief list of current challenging problems will also be discussed. 这篇演讲将简要介绍两个学科的起源,这两个学科引发了智能机器的设计,我们现在称之为全球人工智能。最有影响力的参与者的贡献将被总结。会谈还将讨论支持人工智能研究的需求,以及人工智能如何被业界所采用。此外,还将讨论目前具有挑战性的问题。