周惠久论坛——Machine learning of small data

讲座名称: 周惠久论坛——Machine learning of small data
讲座时间: 2020-09-12
讲座人: 张统一
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:周惠久论坛——Machine learning of small data 讲座时间:2020年9月12日(星期六)14:30 讲座地点:中国西部科技创新港躬行楼3-2014报告厅 讲座人:张统一院士 讲座内容: The ceaseless and infinite development of nature science is an endless and continuous process during which mankind observes and summarizes the nature behaviors, and then gains knowledge. From data to knowledge is a quantum jump, during which key factors are extracted and classified into input features and output responses, and relationships between input features and output responses are analyzed and, if possible, explicitly expressed in mathematic equations. Materials data, especially the materials data of mechanical behaviors such as creep, fatigue, fracture etc., are often small and high dimensional. Domain knowledge plays a crucial role in machine learning of small data. An example is given in the presentation to emphasize the role of domain knowledge in machine learning of small data. The example analyzes the data of size-dependent strength of concrete. On the other hand, statistical leaning of small data might be able to evaluate theoretical models developed from domain knowledge. 主办单位: 材料学院 金属材料强度国家重点实验室    握手学术前沿,探究科学奥秘,材料学人在此齐聚,怎能没有你?讲座可盖章!