Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals

讲座名称: Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals
讲座时间: 2019-12-03
讲座人: Hibiki Takashi
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 报告题目: Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals 报告时间:9:00-11:00 AM, 2019.12.03 报告地点:能动学院东三楼二楼甲205会议室 报告人: Hibiki Takashi 报告摘要: The two-phase flow thermo-fluid dynamics is a complicated subject due to the existence of moving and deformable interface and its interactions with the two phases. In view of the practical importance of two-phase flow in various modern engineering technologies related to nuclear energy, chemical engineering processes and advanced heat transfer systems, significant efforts have been made in recent years to develop accurate general two-phase formulations, mechanistic models for interfacial transfer and interfacial structures, and computational methods to solve these predictive models. A strong emphasis has been put on the rational approach to the derivation of the two-phase flow formulations which represent the fundamental physical principles such as the conservations laws and constitutive modeling for various transfer mechanisms both in bulk fluids and at interface. Several models such as the local instant formulation based on the single-phase flow model with explicit treatment of interface and the macroscopic continuum formulations based on various averaging methods are presented and discussed. Especially the macroscopic formulations of the two-fluid model and drift-flux model, which are two of the most accurate and useful formulations for practical engineering problems, will presented and discussed in detail.