新港报告“语言文学”系列 第三讲 文学文化系列 蒲松龄短篇小说和欧洲民间故事与文学作品中的动物拟人化现象 “Foxy Ladies”: Female Anthropomorphism in the Short-stories of PU Songling and in European Folk Tales and Literature

讲座名称: 新港报告“语言文学”系列 第三讲 文学文化系列 蒲松龄短篇小说和欧洲民间故事与文学作品中的动物拟人化现象 “Foxy Ladies”: Female Anthropomorphism in the Short-stories of PU Songling and in European Folk Tales and Literature
讲座时间: 2019-11-23
讲座人: Edward Lewis
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 报告题目:蒲松龄短篇小说和欧洲民间故事与文学作品中的动物拟人化现象 “Foxy Ladies”: Female Anthropomorphism in the Short-stories of PU Songling and in European Folk Tales and Literature 报告时间:2019年11月23日14:30-15:40 报告地点:创新港涵英楼新港报告厅(5-2W204) 报告人:Dr. Edward Lewis 报告摘要: 在蒲松龄的短篇小说集《聊斋志异》中,女性角色常常以拥有超自然能力的狐狸形象出现,这种拥有超自然能力的动物在一些欧洲传统民间故事与文学作品中也出现过。欧洲大陆流传着关于狼人的神话,讲的是一个人在月圆之夜从人变成狼。从西班牙到俄罗斯,欧洲大陆的民间故事中有许多这样的动物形象。其中最为现代观众所熟知的就是吸血鬼,尤其是19世纪布拉姆·斯托克经典小说《德库拉》里的吸血鬼。吸血鬼的起源可追溯至15世纪的特兰西瓦尼亚(属于现在的罗马尼亚)。这次讲座,我们将探讨不同国家之间故事的异同,批判性分析不同文化所共有的故事,探讨男性对女性性征的恐惧以及它对父权权威的挑战。 One of the major plot devices in PU Songling’s collection of short stories published in English as Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio are the activities of female characters who are revealed to be supernatural creatures in the form of foxes. Such animal succubae also feature in several traditions of European folk tales and literature. In continental Europe the mythology of the werewolf, a human who transforms into a wolf at the time of the full-moon, figures in folk-tales from as far afield as Spain and Russia, whilst the vampire, probably most well-known to a modern audience through Bram Stoker’s 19th Century classic novel Dracula, traces its origins at least as far back as 15th Century Transylvania (now part of modern Romania). The lecture will examine similarities and differences between stories from different countries and will suggest that one critical analysis of these tales that different cultures share is concerned with male fears of female sexuality and the challenge it poses to patriarchal authority.    