新港报告“语言文学”系列(第一讲):语言认知系列 语言从何而来?Where does Language Come From?

讲座名称: 新港报告“语言文学”系列(第一讲):语言认知系列 语言从何而来?Where does Language Come From?
讲座时间: 2019-11-09
讲座人: 杨瑞英
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 新港报告“语言文学”系列(第一讲)  The iHarbour Lecture Series on Language & Literature       新港报告“语言文学”系列下设“语言认知”和“文学文化”两个子系列。“语言认知”子系列围绕“语言如何塑造我们?”这一主题,探究语言在个体认知与行为、国家形象构建、文化传播中的作用,展示语言在人类沟通与认知发展、思维模式乃至重大政治历史事件中的巨大力量。“文学文化”子系列围绕“经典永流传”这一主题,阐释西方经典对中国现当代思想、文化乃至科技发展的影响,展现中国经典在西方的传播之旅,开启东西方文学、文化经典的交流与碰撞,弘扬中国优秀文化。    “语言文学”系列讲座融学术思想与流行元素于一体,在一个个娓娓道来的叙述中,带您畅游语言文学殿堂。       The iHarbour Lecture Series on Language & Literature, hosted by the Center for International Studies of Xi’an Jiaotong University, consists of two sets of lectures: Language Cognition and Literature & Culture. Language Cognition subseries, with its focus on the theme of “How Language Shapes Us?”, explores the roles that language plays in individual cognition and behavior, cultural transmission and construction of national image so as to demonstrate the great power of language in communication, cognition development, thinking patterns, major political and historical events. Literature & Culture subseries, with “Everlasting Classics” as its main theme, elucidates the impacts of western classics on the philosophy, culture, technological advancements of modern and contemporary China. It will lead the audience into a journey of Chinese classics in the Western World while sparking a dialogue between the Eastern and Western cultures and promoting the Chinese culture.     Integrating both academic and popular elements, the iHarbour Lecture Series on Language & Literature will usher you into a wonderland where you can gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around.   讲座题目:第一讲 语言认知系列 语言从何而来?Where does Language Come From? 讲座时间:2019年11月9日15:40-16:50 讲座地点:创新港涵英楼新港报告厅(5-2W204) 讲座人:杨瑞英教授(西安交通大学) Prof. YANG Ruiying (Xi’an Jiaotong University)   讲座内容: 语言作为人的根本属性之一,其起源自古以来引发了诸多的推测。语言是什么?语言从何而来?为什么世界上无论哪个民族都有语言?本讲座将带领听众从语言和沟通的起源开始,探索语言的发展、形成以及人类语言与动物语言或交际符号的区别,人类语言世界中的主要语系、语族、语支的形成并简要探讨语言的交际功能与外语学习,以期加强听众对语言的理性认知并提高在跨文化交际语境中语言使用的意识。 As one of the fundamental properties of human beings, the origin of language has been the subject of many speculations since ancient times. What is language? And where did it come from? Why all people, no matter where they live, have their own language? This lecture will take you back to the beginnings of language and communication to explore the development of language. It will also discuss the unique properties of human language, the major language families and branches in light of the functions of language in communication and the study of a foreign language so that your rational understanding of language may be strengthened and your awareness of language use in cross-cultural communication may be enhanced.  