新港报告 医学与健康系列第九讲——Drug discovery: Nature or Chemistry 药物发现源于自然还是化学?

讲座名称: 新港报告 医学与健康系列第九讲——Drug discovery: Nature or Chemistry 药物发现源于自然还是化学?
讲座时间: 2019-11-02
讲座人: 王嗣岑
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 报告题目:Drug discovery: Nature or Chemistry药物发现源于自然还是化学? 报告时间:2:30-3:30 p.m.November 2nd, Saturday 报告地点:Innovation Harbour Lectures Hall, Han Ying Building (创新港涵英楼新港报告厅) 报告人: 王嗣岑 报告摘要: Cell is the basic unit of all living things. According to the structure the cell membrane, The membrane and receptor in it play a key role in entering of medicine into the body, and is of increasing interest as a potential new target for drug discovery. We describe a biomembrane affinity sample pretreatment technique to screen and preconcentrate active components from nature medicine (include Ethnodrugs), which adopts several cell membrane coated particles as affinity ligands benefiting by biomembrane’s ability of maximum simulation of drug-receptor interactions in vivo. The proposed cell membrane affinity sample pretreatment method is a reliable, effective and time-saving method for fast screening and enriching active compounds from natural medicines as leading compounds resources. 细胞是生命的基本单元,由于细胞膜的特殊结构,细胞膜及膜上受体在药物发挥作用上起着重要的作用;超过45%的药物是通过与细胞膜或膜受体相互作用而发挥其对疾病的治疗。报告主要介绍细胞膜的种类及其生理功能;利用细胞膜的功能,以细胞膜为材料发现天然药物(包括传统药物)中生理活性成分的相关技术的思路和发展历程。以期为听众提供一种创新科研思路和对药物发现与开发的认识。