【新港报告法学系列】“一带一路”上的定分止争 Dispute Resolution for the Belt and Road Initiative

讲座名称: 【新港报告法学系列】“一带一路”上的定分止争 Dispute Resolution for the Belt and Road Initiative
讲座时间: 2019-05-15
讲座人: 张生
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:【新港报告法学系列】“一带一路”上的定分止争 Dispute Resolution for the Belt and Road Initiative 讲座时间:2019-05-15  10:00-11:00 讲座地点:西安交通大学钱学森图书馆星空报告厅 Xi’an Jiao Tong University Library 主讲人:张生Sheng Zhang 讲座简介: “一带一路”倡议自实施以来,极大推动了我国的对外投资,但“一带一路”沿线国家多为发展中国家,在这些国家投资有着比较大的风险,因此一个完善的争端解决机制至关重要。近年来,中国也在积极探索构建全面的“一带一路”争端解决体系,包括设立国际商事法庭、制定中国国际投资仲裁规则、倡议争端的多元化解决,这些都体现出中国在国际法中的地位正不断提升。   Since the implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, China’s foreign investment has been greatly promoted, but most of the countries along the “Belt and Road” are developing countries. There are relatively large risks in investing in these countries, so a perfect dispute settlement mechanism is crucial. In recent years, China has been actively exploring and building a comprehensive “One Belt, One Road” dispute settlement system, including the establishment of an international commercial court, the design of China's international investment arbitration rules, and the diversification of disputes in the initiative. These all reflect China's increasing status in international law. 