Stephen Spence教授系列讲座二:Opportunities for Study and Research at Queen’s University Belfast(在QUB的学习和科研机会)

讲座名称: Stephen Spence教授系列讲座二:Opportunities for Study and Research at Queen’s University Belfast(在QUB的学习和科研机会)
讲座时间: 2019-04-11
讲座人: Stephen Spence
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应能动学院流体机械及工程系、陕西省流体机械国际联合研究中心张楚华教授和琚亚平副教授邀请,英国女王大学Belfast(QUB)Stephen Spence教授来访我校,访问期间将举行系列讲座,欢迎广大师生踊跃参加! 讲座二: 讲座题目 (Invited Lecture):Opportunities for Study and Research at Queen’s University Belfast(在QUB的学习和科研机会) 讲座时间:2019年4月11日(周四)11:00-12:00 讲座地点:北二楼二楼学术报告厅 讲座人:Stephen Spence 讲座内容:This is a promotional talk to encourage Bachelors, Masters or PhD students to come to QUB for a time. It is not just limited to turbomachinery or engineering students, but could be of interest to a broad range of students. QUB is keen to encourage international students to come to QUB for a time, so this talk is to make students aware of the opportunities to study and research at QUB.  