Photochemically Generated Radicals for Coupling, Functionalization and Polymerization Processes

讲座名称: Photochemically Generated Radicals for Coupling, Functionalization and Polymerization Processes
讲座时间: 2019-01-03
讲座人: Yusuf Yagci
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:Photochemically Generated Radicals for Coupling, Functionalization and Polymerization Processes 讲座时间:2019年1月3日 上午9:30-11:00 讲座地点:仲英楼B253 讲座人:Yusuf Yagci 讲座摘要: Photochemical strategies have distinctive advantages in comparison to conventional methodologies in terms of mild reaction conditions, low energy requirements and temporal and dimensional control.[1]After such benefits have been realized by the synthetic polymer community, photochemical reactions have been employed to a wide range of organic reactions, functionalization and polymerization processes. Specifically, photochemical radical generation is the most commonly applied strategy as the reactive nature of radicals make them useful not only for traditional polymerizations[2]but also for controlled/living polymerizations.[3-7]In addition, they can be utilized for the simultaneous generation of specific compounds, which can mediate various coupling reactions including click processes.[8]This make them applicable to modification of polymers and syntheses of complex macromolecular structures such as telechelics, block and hyperbranched polymers.[8-10]Below is the schematic representation of photoinduced radical generation and its applications to polymer chemistry.    