Industrial applications of laser diagnostics

讲座名称: Industrial applications of laser diagnostics
讲座时间: 2018-04-27
讲座人: 出口祥啓
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应机械学院赵升吨教授邀请,日本德岛大学机械工程系Yoshihiro Deguchi教授于2018年4月27日上午来我院交流并做学术报告。 讲座题目:Industrial applications of laser diagnostics 讲座时间:2018年4月27日(周五)上午9:30-10:30 讲座地点:机械工程学院第三会议室 讲座内容:《Industrial applications of laser diagnostics》 Applications of laser diagnostics such as tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS), laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and laser Raman spectroscopy encompass a broad range, including physics, engineering, medicine and pharmacy. The lecture mainly deals with systems related to steel making process. These systems include analysis of steel, remote analysis of molten steel, slags. Accordingly, the laser diagnostics shown are selected in terms of applicability to these systems.