
讲座名称: 发光二极管应用于非照明领域的技术趋势
讲座时间: 2017-06-20
讲座人: 李世玮
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 固态照明工程研究中心 发光二极管应用于非照明领域的技术趋势专题报告会   西安交大固态照明工程研究中心是我校2011年新成立的研究机构,隶属电信学院,由美国引进的“千人计划”国家特聘专家云峰教授担任该中心主任。中心致力于电子学科重点建设、国际化人才培养、新一代半导体照明核心技术研发和自主创新。应云峰教授邀请,香港科技大学机械及航空航天工程系讲座教授及先进微系统封装中心主任,另外也同时兼任香港科技大学深圳研究院院长及佛山市香港科技大学LED-FPD工程技术研究开发中心主任的李世玮教授将为广大师生进行专题报告。 题 目: 发光二极管应用于非照明领域的技术趋势 报告人: 李世玮教授 简历:李世玮教授于1992年获得美国普渡大学航空航天工程博士学位,1993年加入香港科技大学任教,目前是机械及航空航天工程系讲座教授及先进微系统封装中心主任,另外也同时兼任香港科技大学深圳研究院院长及佛山市香港科技大学LED-FPD工程技术研究开发中心主任。李教授的研究领域覆盖晶圆级和三维微系统封装、硅通孔和高密度互连、LED封装和半导体照明技术、以及无铅焊接工艺及焊点可靠性。他的团队在国际学术期刊及会议论文集上发表了近300篇技术论文,其中12篇获得最佳或优秀论文奖,而李教授本人也曾荣获IEEE、ASME、IMAPS五项个人奖项。李教授曾与其他专家学者合作撰写了三本微电子封装与组装方面的专书,其中两本已分别被清华大学出版社及化学工业出版社翻译成中文,目前在国内发行。李教授在各类学术活动和国际会议上非常活跃,他曾担任《IEEE电子元件及封装技术期刊》的总主编以及IEEE CPMT学会的全球会长,为该专业中华人首例。由于李教授在国际间的成就及声望,他于1999、2003、2008和2013年分别被英国物理学会(IoP)、ASME、IEEE和IMAPS评选为学会院士(Fellow)。 内容简介:自本世纪之初开始,发光二极管(LED)已经渐次发展成为第四代照明光源的主流。在过去10年之间,人们见证了越来越多以LED作为核心的通用照明应用。毫无疑问地,半导体照明(Solid-state Lighting)在商用市场中已经成为无差异化的产品,有相当多的专家学者已经在思考LED下一波的研发应该朝哪个方向聚焦。讲者基于多年的实践与观察,认为以下三个面向非常值得关注:它们是紫外发光二极管(UV-LED)、可见光通讯(Visible Light Communication)、LED微型显屏(Micro-LED Display),这三个面向都是非照明领域的应用。本次专题报告首先将会对以上三个面向的技术发展有所铺陈,然后再专注对UV-LED的内容深入探讨。本报告的安排将以面向器件封装的技术为经,实际应用的案例为纬,目的是让从事LED研发工作的科研人员能了解相关技术的趋势与进程,以便调动团队、整合资源,规划未来的科研方向与活动。 Emerging Technology Trends of Light-Emitting Diodes for Non-Lighting Applications Prof. Shi-Wei Ricky Lee Chair Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, HKUST Director of Center for Advanced Microsystems Packaging General Director of HKUST Shenzhen Research Institute Director of HKUST LED-FPD Technology R&D Center at Foshan BIOGRAPHY: Ricky Lee received his PhD degree from Purdue University in 1992. He joined the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) in 1993. During his career of tenure-track faculty at HKUST, Dr Lee once was on secondment to serve as Chief Technology Officer of Nano & Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI) for two and a half years. Currently Dr Lee is Chair Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Director of Center for Advanced Microsystems Packaging (CAMP) at HKUST. He also has a concurrent appointment as General Director of HKUST Shenzhen Research Institute and Director of HKUST LED-FPD Technology R&D Center at Foshan, Guangdong, China. Due to his technical contributions, Dr Lee received many honors and awards over the years. In addition to being the recipient of 12 best/outstanding paper awards and 5 major professional society awards, Dr Lee is Life Fellow of ASME and IMAPS, and Fellow of IEEE and Institute of Physics (UK). He is also a Distinguished Lecturer and the Senior Past-President of the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society. ABSTRACT: Light-emitting diodes (LED) have become the 4th generation light source since the turn of the century. In the past decade, people witnessed more and more applications of general lighting applications using LEDs. There is no doubt that solid-state lighting has become commodity in the comercial markets. Many people are wondering about what next waves of LED R&D should be focused on. Based on the speaker’s observation, there are three emerging areas worth noting, namely, UV-LED, visible light communications (VLC), and micro-LED display. All of these are for non-lighitng applications. This presentation will briefly touch on these emerging areas and then focus on UV-LED. The intention is to bring the on-going technology trend to the awareness of active researchers on LED so that they can put their resources and efforts on the hot spot. In addition to the fundamentals of UV-LED and relevant concerns in packaging, certain applications will be introduced to demonstrate the features of UV-LED which are different from conventional general lighting. 报告时间: 6月20日 10:00 地    点: 主B202