Wallington教授系列讲座二:Wintertime Aerosol Chemistry and Haze Evolution on the North China Plain: Significant Contribution from Coal and Biomass Combustion;Vehicle Emissions and their Control in China: A Review and Outlook

讲座名称: Wallington教授系列讲座二:Wintertime Aerosol Chemistry and Haze Evolution on the North China Plain: Significant Contribution from Coal and Biomass Combustion;Vehicle Emissions and their Control in China: A Review and Outlook
讲座时间: 2017-05-12
讲座人: Wallington
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应热科学与工程国际合作联合实验室宋渤副教授和王晓坡教授邀请,美国福特公司Wallington教授将于5月8日~5月14日来访我校并做报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学积极参加,报告安排如下: 讲座二: 讲座题目: Wintertime Aerosol Chemistry and Haze Evolution on the North China Plain: Significant Contribution from Coal and Biomass Combustion Vehicle Emissions and their Control in China: A Review and Outlook 讲座时间:5月12日上午 9:30~11:00  讲座地点:东三楼二楼热流科学会议室甲232  讲座人: Wallington教授