Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech: How to build a Quality Culture

讲座名称: Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech: How to build a Quality Culture
讲座时间: 2017-04-13
讲座人: Marijke Pubben
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应西安交通大学中国西部质量科学与技术研究院和电信学院叶凯教授的邀请,美国默克集团(在中国名为默沙东公司)副总裁 Marijke Pubben 女士将于4月10日——4月14日来我校进行访问,并作学术报告。欢迎各位感兴趣的同学和老师参加,可盖章。 报告题目:Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech: How to build a Quality Culture 报告时间:4月13日下午15:00---17:00    报告地点:科学馆207 报告摘要: Regulators and Industry share a global mission to accelerate availability of (innovative) products to the world’s patients, consumers and healthcare providers. And thus to deliver compliant, safe, effective and affordable products when and where needed. These are crucial objectives with significant impact on global healthcare outcome. Being in compliance with the regulations is essential for the reputation of any company. A culture of Compliance is a first step towards a culture of Quality. The lecture will address a comprehensive approach on how to ensure the above can be realized.      