Recent Development in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing —— Perspectives in Research Opportunities for Big Data Enhancement and Processing

讲座名称: Recent Development in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing —— Perspectives in Research Opportunities for Big Data Enhancement and Processing
讲座时间: 2017-03-17
讲座人: Jonathan Cheung-Wai Chan
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应数学与统计学院的邀请,比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Jonathan Cheung-Wai Chan教授将于近期访问我校,为师生做以下学术报告: 题目:Recent Development in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing —— Perspectives in Research Opportunities for Big Data Enhancement and Processing 时间:2017年3月17日(星期四)上午10:30 地点:理科楼407 报告人:Jonathan Cheung-Wai Chan 报告摘要: Recent technological advancement has enabled acquisition of remote sensing data at increasingly high spatial resolution. HD camera from space routinely generates up to hundreds of terabytes per hour. This pushes research for high performance algorithms. While conventional multi-spectral sensors have improved their spatial resolution,    new emerging applications require high spectral content. Hyperspectral imaging is a technology to mimic spectroscopy for target identification. It is rich in spectral information with hundreds of bands. There is still no operational spaceborne hyperspectral mission with global coverage. However, this is going to change in the next 2 decades with several national and international efforts to launch new hyperspectral satellite. One disadvantage of the future hyperspectral missions is that most will opt for a 30m resolution which is too coarse for many applications. Spatial enhancement with superresolution reconstruction, pansharpening and image fusion is one of the hottest topics. Synthetic hyperspectral data, hundreds in dimension at high spatial resolution and possibly high revisiting temporal resolution, has high potential to materialize as a standard product. This short talk will brief the recent development in remote sensing, in particular future spaceborne hyperspectral missions and the pressing needs for powerful algorithms for big data handling and enhancement, the opportunities and challenges.    