Opportunity Generativity 机会再创

讲座名称: Opportunity Generativity 机会再创
讲座时间: 2016-06-27
讲座人: 孙犁
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 报告题目:Opportunity Generativity 机会再创 报告人:孙犁教授美国堪萨斯城密苏里大学管理学院创新与创业管理系 时间:6月27号上午9:00-10:30 地点:管院313教室 报告简介: Building on entrepreneurship theory and complexity science theory,this paper develop an opportunity generativity perspective to explain how new ventures keep capturing opportunity over time. Our analysis of a nationally representative panel data of U.S. new ventures revealed that entrepreneurial opportunity generation is a dynamic process consisting continual transitions and iteration. Customer interaction positively affects new venture's opportunity generativity. We also find opportunity generativity positively affect the likelihood of survival of new ventures. Our study contributes to the entrepreneurial opportunity literature by providing a novel perspective, and complementing the opportunity discovery vs. creation perspective.