外国语言文化论坛(第七十五讲):Globalization of English and New Orientations to Language Proficiency英语全球化和语言能力的新趋势

讲座名称: 外国语言文化论坛(第七十五讲):Globalization of English and New Orientations to Language Proficiency英语全球化和语言能力的新趋势
讲座时间: 2016-05-18
讲座人: Edwin Erle Sparks
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 1.讲座题目:Globalization of English and New Orientations to Language Proficiency英语全球化和语言能力的新趋势 时 间: 2016-05-18 16:40—17:40PM 地 点:逸夫外文楼B座10楼多功能报告厅   2.工 作 坊:Accommodating Student Voices in the Classroom 课堂中不同背景学生的声音 时 间: 2016-05-18 15:00—16:00PM 地 点:逸夫外文楼B座912会议室   讲座摘要:“世界英语(WE)”和“标准英语(SE)”倡导者们在英语能力及测试方面形成两种对立,作者认为其争论不切主题,他呼唤“后现代主义全球化下”英语能力的朝着一个更为复合多样的发展方向 … … Debates about testing international English have revolved around two important questions. They are: Whose norms should we adopt? How do we define proficiency in the English language? The answers to these questions have been dominated by positions belonging to two well-entrenched ideological camps that I would label the World Englishes (WE) perspective (see Lowenberg 2002) and the Standard English (SE) perspective (see Davies 2002). SE would argue that the norm for testing should center on one of the dominant varieties—standardized British or American English. WE proponents would contest the relevance of these exogenous norms for postcolonial communities with institutionalized varieties of their own, and would argue that correctness should take into account local norms. As for proficiency, SE proponents would…. For WE proponents, proficiency means ….. What I call postmodern globalization rules the previous arguments irrelevant and calls for a more complex orientation that moves the discourse on proficiency to a totally different level. In this presentation, I first introduce the changing social context and outline the new communicative needs people are faced with. Based on this context, I then describe the new orientation to norms and proficiency that should inform assessment. This means also that we have to move away from the previous paradigms of teaching to creatively devise new practices that would address our emerging communicative needs.   主办单位:西安交通大学外国语学院