“创源”科技学术论坛——Nanodomain Engineering – Making Smart Materials Smarter

讲座名称: “创源”科技学术论坛——Nanodomain Engineering – Making Smart Materials Smarter
讲座时间: 2015-04-14
讲座人: 王云志
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 第九届西安交通大学“创源”科技学术论坛 前沿院前沿讲坛专场 你是否因为没有表达自己想法的机会而苦恼?想看看专业以外的世界、聆听其它专业相关研究领域里的真知灼见吗?偌大校园里自己的知音到底在哪里?你还犹豫什么?请走进“创源”科技学术论坛——学生自己的学术舞台!她提倡思想自由、百家争鸣! 报告题目:Nanodomain Engineering – Making Smart Materials Smarter 纳米畴工程—让智能材料更加智能 报 告 人:王云志 教授 报告时间 :2015年4月14日(周二)晚19:00 报告地点 :主楼 A-203 讲座内容简介: The unique properties of an important class of smart materials, the ferroics, originate from structural phase transformations with symmetry breaking that produce self-accommodating polydomain structures. Sensing and actuation can be realized simultaneously through domain switching under external fields. Familiar examples include ferroelectrics, ferromagnetics and shape memory alloys, transformation toughened ceramics, and artificial muscles. Even though the micro-domain structures in various ferroic systems have been studied for over a century, the properties of their nano-domain counterparts have not yet been explored till recently. Using ferroelastic systems as an example we show in this presentation how to utilize defect engineering to “break” the long-range ordered polytwin domain structure into randomly distributed nano-domains, and render the martensitic transformation (MT) continuous. In particular we demonstrate that such an apparently continuous MT and unique microstructural state do have a rich variety of unique properties, including superelasticity of nearly zero hysteresis, nearly zero thermal expansion (Invar anomaly), and low and nearly temperature-independent elastic modulus (Elinvar anomaly) over a wide temperature range. These findings not only allow us to solve some long-standing puzzles, but also open a new avenue for the development of revolutionary new concepts and new design strategies for the next generation of smart nano-structured materials for a wide range of technological applications. 欢迎广大师生届时到场参加及互动交流!     详情请关注:BBS创源论坛版(chuangyuan) 、前沿院版(xjtufist) 主办:研究生院\校团委\学工部 承办:研究生会\博士生协会 协办:前沿科学技术研究院前沿讲坛\通讯社