Some Challenges in Thermoscience Research and Application Potentials

讲座名称: Some Challenges in Thermoscience Research and Application Potentials
讲座时间: 2013-06-24
讲座人: M. Kostic
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应能动学院热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室副主任王秋旺教授邀请,美国北伊利诺伊大学机械工程系M. Kostic教授将于2013年6月22日至25日来我校进行学术访问并带来精彩的学术报告。 报告:Some Challenges in Thermoscience Research and Application Potentials 时间:2013年6月24日(星期一)上午9:30-11:00 地点:能动学院东三楼东汽报告厅 讲座内容简介 Evolution and survival of humans dramatically changed since they learned how to control fire, and fast development of society was propelled much later by invention of heat engine. Fast development of science and technology that followed accelerated the use of fossil fuels (about 85% of energy use now) with related impact on the environment and society. We are now in transitional era where further progress cannot be continued with existing technology. The difficulties that will face every nation and the world in meeting energy needs over the next several decades will be more challenging than what we anticipate now. Challenges are many, but so are potentials for innovative solutions based on further development of science and technology. As new paradigms are to be developed, the thermoscience (thermodynamics and heat transfer), being “the heart and soul” of all energy sciences, holds the key to provide vision and check-and-balance methods for optimizations and further innovations. The outlook for future energy needs and environmental sustainability is encouraging. Energy conservation “with existing technology” has real immediate potential to substantially reduce energy dependence on fossil fuels and enable use of alternative and renewable energy sources. There are many diverse and abundant energy sources with promising future potentials, so that mankind should be able to enhance its activities, standard and quality of living, by diversifying energy sources, and by improving energy conversion and utilization efficiencies, while at the same time increasing safety and reducing environmental pollution. After all, in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’ abundance and use (a blip on a human history radar screen), the life may be happier after the fossil fuel era.