Industrial application of solution processing

讲座名称: Industrial application of solution processing
讲座时间: 2012-10-23
讲座人: Gunnar Westin
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应我校国际可再生能源研究中心、动力工程多相流国家重点实验室“千人计划”学者Lionel Vayssieres教授的邀请,瑞典Uppsala University Gunnar Westin教授将于10月23日上午10:30-12:00在科学馆207进行第二场学术讲座,同时Lionel Vayssieres教授也将进行学术报告。 23号报告1 题    目:Industrial application of solution processing 报 告 人:瑞典Uppsala University Gunnar Westin教授 时    间:2012年10月23 日(星期二 )上午10:00-11:00 地    点:科学馆207室 Abstract: In this talk solutions to efficient, large scale processing of complex materials of different types are described and discussed. Examples of processes up-scaled to pilot and industrial scale manufacture of composites, metals and ceramics in compact and thin film forms will be given. (i) Advanced thin film materials will be described including sensor/piezoelectric perovskite (K,Na)NbO3 films. Complex composition compacts were efficiently prepared through mixed powder-solution processes where the cost can be kept low and micro-structural controllability high using commercial powders for 90-95% of the product and the remaining part added through solution. Even with such small part of solution based material quite large improvements in product properties could be obtained. (ii) The concept has been used for oxide composites in ZnO-based varistors consisting of 95% ZnO and 5-8 additive oxides, as well as (iii) WC-Co based hard materials with more than twice the hardness and toughness of conventionally made materials were prepared in large scale. (iv) Solution based processing of nano-composite films with a very high and reproducible precision of particle size and film thickness has been developed for the Ni-Al2O3 system, where the Ni particles are 5-8 nm and well dispersed in the alumina matrix. An optimized three layer film with record high solar thermal absorption efficiency was firstly prepared by spin-coating and then up-scaled to a 50m roll-to-roll process with an equally good properties.  