新港报告“语言文学”系列 第三讲 语言认知系列 创新与认知 Network Language: Innovation and Cognition

讲座名称: 新港报告“语言文学”系列 第三讲 语言认知系列 创新与认知 Network Language: Innovation and Cognition
讲座时间: 2019-11-23
讲座人: 庞加光
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 报告题目:创新与认知 Network Language: Innovation and Cognition and in European Folk Tales and Literature 报告时间:2019年11月23日15:40-16:50 报告地点:创新港涵英楼新港报告厅(5-2W204) 报告人:庞加光 报告摘要: 为彰显特异性与新奇性,网络语言创造出新潮、前卫或时髦的词句(如“种草”、“车厘子自由”等),似乎完全摆脱语法规则或语义规范的束缚。这些看上去颇具创新的语言形式实际常是我们所具有的多种不同的认知能力或想象力联合运作的结果,比如转喻、隐喻、联想、概念的虚拟与整合等等。网络语言的创新反映的是意义的心理构建过程。 In order to highlight their peculiarity and novelty, people involved in online communities create new, avant-garde or fashionable words, phrases or even sentences (e.g. “planting-grass” and “cherry-buyable”). It seems that these linguistic expressions are completely free from the constraints of grammatical rules or semantic norms. It is found that quite a few innovative expressions are derived from the joint work of different cognitive abilities and imaginative capabilities, such as metonymy, metaphor, association, virtuality, conceptual integration, and among others. In brief, underlying the creative online language is the mental construction of meaning.    