Quantum Entanglement in Higher Dimensions

讲座名称: Quantum Entanglement in Higher Dimensions
讲座时间: 2019-09-26
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:Quantum Entanglement in Higher Dimensions 讲座时间:2019年9月26日下午10:30-12:00 讲座地点:仲英楼B253 讲座人:ANTON ZEILINGER 讲座摘要: An interesting and very visual workhorse for higher dimensions in Hilbert space are orbital angular momentum states of photons. That way, entanglement has been confirmed for quantum numbers above 10.000 and between two more than 100-dimensional quantum states. In the talk, I will also mention recent experiments in higher dimensions where the setup has been designed by the computer program Melvin. Some quantum communication experiments using such higher dimensional states will be presented. Such states of higher dimension allow to send more than 1 bit of information per photon. Since human intuition is slow, the computer program MELVIN was developed, which designs quantum experiments to realize a specific higher-dimensional multi-particle quantum state out of a standard toolbox available in the laboratory. The algorithm suggested setups for example for three entangled photons in three dimensions which have recently been realized, including a three-dimensional GHZ state. Also with the help of MELVIN, a new principle for creating entangled states was discovered, which might be called Entanglement by Path Identity