
讲座名称: 大气压表面放电等离子体中活性粒子的产生与传质研究
讲座时间: 2018-08-12
讲座人: James Walsh
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:大气压表面放电等离子体中活性粒子的产生与传质研究 时间:8月12日(周日)上午9:30 地点:电气工程学院电器会议室 讲座摘要: In recent years, applications based on Surface Barrier Discharges (SBDs) have increased significantly. SBDs in such applications serve as a simple and low cost source of reactive chemical species under ambient conditions (atmospheric pressure and room temperature). Examples of applications where this type of discharge is being used include CO2conversion, pollution abatement in water, and microbial decontamination. Critically, in the SBD configuration, reactive species are not only generated, but transported beyond the discharge region through an induced flow of the background gas caused by Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) forces generated by the plasma. For any given application it is necessary to understand the spatial distribution of the generated reactive species, which is a challenging task as the chemistry of the discharge is influenced by its induced flow. This contribution explores how the transport of reactive species from the discharge region to a downstream point of application can be manipulated to maximise application efficiency. Using both computational modelling and experimental measurements, the impact of electrode geometry and plasma generation conditions on the composition and transport of reactive species is explored.