
讲座名称: 外国语言文化论坛第五十五讲——讲座一
讲座时间: 2014-09-23
讲座人: Christoph Houswitschka
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 外国语言文化论坛第五十五讲 讲  座1: Migration, Diaspora and Cosmopolitanism in English and Irish Literature 时   间: 9月23日(周二)下午4:3 0-6:00 内容提要: Exile and migration in the first half of the 20th century and during the post-war period helped to form new diasporas. The talk discusses various groups of ethnic migrants and the key literary texts that defined them. By the 1980s Great Britain had become a multicultural society. Since the turn of the century, multiculturalism and the recognition of collective identities has gradually changed to new ways of defining ethnic diversity that emphasize the rights of individuals against collective claims and the ideal of cosmopolitan identity. 地    点: 逸夫外文楼B座10楼多功能学术报告厅   主办单位:西安交通大学国际合作交流处   西安交通大学外国语学院    