面向生物本征智能的类生命机器人 Bio-Syncretic Robotics for Natural Intelligence

讲座名称: 面向生物本征智能的类生命机器人 Bio-Syncretic Robotics for Natural Intelligence
讲座时间: 2020-11-07
讲座人: 刘连庆
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 新港报告 讲座题目:面向生物本征智能的类生命机器人(Bio-Syncretic Robotics for Natural Intelligence) 讲座地点:创新港涵英楼新港报告厅 讲座时间:11月7日下午15:00 讲座人:刘连庆(中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所) 讲座内容: Robotics is now undergoing a deep revolution not only in its design principles but also in its constitutive elements, which are changing from pure electromechanical systems into the combination with bio-living system. This carrier transformation provides new opportunities for the development of both robot and artificial intelligence. Billion years evolution tells us that bio-living system is the best intelligence carrier. However, the mainstream of AI research is carried out on silicon-based non-living systems under the assistance of big-data and supercomputing. One of the shortcomings are the energy-cost efficiency and the lack of abilities of learning, development and association. In this talk, the concept of biosyncretic robotics will be introduced to solve this problem. The word “Biosyncretic” here is not a simple imitation or simulation of biological structures, functions or working principles for electromechanical systems in the sense of biomimetics, but a deep syncretism of life systems and electromechanical systems at the molecular and cellular scale. The functions of sensing and actuation are demonstrated in this biosyncretic way, which shows the super advantages of the intrinsic properties and functions of bio-living system with billion years evolution can be represented directly. Last but not least, we investigated and proved the possibility of realizing natural intelligence based on the biosyncretic platform. 大自然亿万年的进化使得生命系统具备了与生存环境相适应的组织、器官和结构,这为人类的技术创新提供了无限的想象空间,成为人类取之不尽用之不竭的灵感来源。以仿生学为基本思路,机器人研究取得了令人震撼的迅猛发展。然而生命系统如此精妙,仿生学意义上的人工系统很难完全复现生命系统的本征特性,尤其在智能方面更是出现了莫拉维克悖论。如何进一步提升性能,让人工系统逼近乃至超越生命系统是当前科技界的研究热点。本报告提出类生命机器人的研究理念,通过生命系统和机电系统在分子和细胞尺度的融合,推动机器人系统由非生命介质向生命介质转变,使得机器人同时具备生命系统和机电系统的优点,进而提升机器人的各种性能、带动机器人学科的发展。报告将以实现生物本征智能为目标,介绍如何以活体细胞为物质载体,通过与机电系统的结合,实现生命感知和驱动,进而组建出全生物信息闭环的类生命机器人系统,演示出类生命机器人作为人工智能研究的新平台、所可能带来的突破和影响。