Modelling the performance of deep borehole heat exchanger and large-scale ground source heat pump system based on the dual-continuum finite element approach in OpenGeoSys

讲座名称: Modelling the performance of deep borehole heat exchanger and large-scale ground source heat pump system based on the dual-continuum finite element approach in OpenGeoSys
讲座时间: 2019-08-08
讲座人: 邵亥冰
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:Modelling the performance of deep borehole heat exchanger and large-scale ground source heat pump system based on the dual-continuum finite element approach in OpenGeoSys 讲座时间:2019年8月8日下午14:00 讲座地点:曲江校区西一楼四楼第一会议室 讲座人:邵亥冰 讲座内容: In recent years, due to the high efficiency and environmental friendliness, medium and deep geothermal resources are increasingly being applied for building heating purposes in northern China. In the long-term, the efficiency and sustainability of deep borehole heat exchangers (DBHE) are always the focus of the industry. The thermal extraction rate, as well as the spacing between BHEs, are key parameters during the designing of such system. Supported by the NNSFC project Nr. 41628203, Junior Professor Shao and his team developed a numerical model based on the dual-continuum finite element approach. His presentation will introduce the basic mathematical principles of the newly developed code. Several modelling scenarios was constructed, representing the long-term operation of DBHEs and BHE arrays. Results will be presented with analysis on the heat extraction performance of such systems.    