【新港报告法学系列】反腐的中国模式 Fight Corruption:the Chinese Approach

讲座名称: 【新港报告法学系列】反腐的中国模式 Fight Corruption:the Chinese Approach
讲座时间: 2019-05-21
讲座人: 王保民
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:【新港报告法学系列】反腐的中国模式 Fight Corruption:the Chinese Approach 讲座时间:5月21日10:00-11:00 讲座地点:西安交通大学钱学森图书馆星空报告厅 Xi’an Jiao Tong University Library 主讲人:王保民 Baomin Wang 讲座简介: 2012年中共十八大以来的反腐败是以习近平为总书记的中共中央诸多新举措中最为国内外关注和认可的一个方面,它极大的改变了中国的政治生态和社会风气。本讲座旨在呈现中共十八大以来中国共产党为反对腐败、建设廉洁政治所做出的努力,具体包括中共中央关于反腐败的思考和谋划、腐败的本质和主要表现、反腐败的重要意义、反腐败的方法和措施(主要包括改进党的作风、惩处腐败分子的力度、监督制约权力的措施和党和国家监督体制改革)。  Among the new measures and policies adopted by the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as General Secretary,the anti-corruption campaign has, since the 18th CPC National Congress , attracted the wide spread attention and recognition from home and abroad which has significantly changed the political environment and social atmosphere in China. This lecture illustrates the endeavors by the CPC in the past six years to combat corrupt and build a clean government. The content of the lecture includes CPC's commitment and planning on combating corruption, the nature and main manifestation of corruption, the significance of anti-corruption, the methods and measures of anti-corruption (including improving party conduct, the punishment of corrupt officials, measures of supervising the use of power, and the reform of the Party and state oversight systems).  