Stephen Spence教授系列讲座三:Reviewing and Revising Papers – Perspectives of a Review Chair and Editor (从编委及评审主席角度看论文评审修改过程)

讲座名称: Stephen Spence教授系列讲座三:Reviewing and Revising Papers – Perspectives of a Review Chair and Editor (从编委及评审主席角度看论文评审修改过程)
讲座时间: 2019-04-29
讲座人: Stephen Spence
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应能动学院流体机械及工程系、陕西省流体机械国际联合研究中心张楚华教授和琚亚平副教授邀请,英国女王大学Belfast(QUB)Stephen Spence教授来访我校,访问期间将举行系列讲座,欢迎广大师生踊跃参加! 讲座三: 讲座题目:Reviewing and Revising Papers – Perspectives of a Review Chair and Editor (从编委及评审主席角度看论文评审修改过程) 讲座时间:2019年4月12日(周五)10:10-11:40 讲座地点:北二楼二楼学术报告厅 讲座人:Stephen Spence 讲座内容:This talk is an extension of the talk which IGTI asked Prof. Stephen Spence to prepare for their student committee about 5 years ago. It was very well received because it helped students to understand the review process and how to interpret reviewer comments, and increased their chances of publication. This includes an exercise where the students have to look at some reviews and make a recommendation for a paper. Besides, it is helpful for the students to understand how to get their papers from conference standard to journal standard.    