Optical Imaging to Guide Surgery & Radiation Therapy

讲座名称: Optical Imaging to Guide Surgery & Radiation Therapy
讲座时间: 2019-03-13
讲座人: Brian William Pogue
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:Optical Imaging to Guide Surgery & Radiation Therapy 讲座时间:2019年3月15日 下午 15:30-17:00 讲座地点:生命学院报告厅(教二北308) 讲座人:Brian William Pogue教授 讲座简介: Major advances have occurred in camera systems in the past decade, such as image-guided spectroscopy during surgery, as well as surgical guidance navigation tools, and now radiologic guidance tools.  Molecular guidance for surgical imaging has been progressing and both new camera systems are available and molecular probes are being advanced into human trials.  As such, the ability to guide surgery with fluorescence from molecular probes to metabolism or immunological expression is now possible.  In radiation therapy, optical emissions during therapy from Cherenkov light, have been shown to provide a direct way to image radiation dose as well.  This Cherenkov signal has been shown to be useful in soft tissue radiotherapy.  Translation through a startup company, DoseOptics LLC, will be highlighted in which this pathway has enabled testing and deployment of a fundamentally new technology to image radiation dose delivery in real time.  Additionally, use of Cherenkov light to excite molecular probes or photodynamic therapy action is also possible and these advances will be outlined.   