Disordered photonics inspired by nature evolution

讲座名称: Disordered photonics inspired by nature evolution
讲座时间: 2019-03-04
讲座人: 刘昶旭
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座名称:Disordered photonics inspired by nature evolution 讲座时间:2019年3月4日 下午16:00-17:00 讲座地点:仲英楼B253 讲 座 人:刘昶旭 博士 讲座内容: Chaos is complex dynamics with exponential sensitivity to the initial conditions. Since the study of three-body problem by Henri Poincare, chaos has been extensively studied in many systems, ranging from electronics to fluids, brains and more recently photonics. Chaos is a ubiquitous phenomenon in Nature, from the gigantic oceanic waves to the disordered scales of white beetles at nanoscale. The presence of chaos is often unwanted in applications, as it introduces unpredictability, which makes it difficult to predict or explain experimental results. Inspired by how chaos permeates the natural world, this thesis investigates on how the interaction between light and chaotic structure can enhance the performance of photonics devices. With a proper design of the lighter-mater interaction in chaotic resonators, I illustrate how chaos can be used to enhance the ability of an optical cavity to store electromagnetic energy, realize a blackbody system composed of gold nanoparticles, localize light beyond the diffraction limit.