11月7日伦敦玛丽女王大学Edo BOEK博士讲座

讲座名称: 11月7日伦敦玛丽女王大学Edo BOEK博士讲座
讲座时间: 2018-11-07
讲座人: Edo BOEK
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 11月7日伦敦玛丽女王大学Edo BOEK博士讲座 报告人:Dr.  Edo BOEK 报告时间:11月7日  10:00 报告地址:106会议室 邀请人:孙杰 报告内容简介: Injection of CO2 into porous rocks deep underground, such as saline aquifers, is a promising tool for reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate change. However, the relevant physico-chemical processes at the pore scale, which determine reservoir scale storage capacity, are still poorly understood. We model this multi-phase process using multi-GPU Lattice-Boltzmann simulations to investigate the displacements at the pore scale typically happen by sudden jumps in the position of the interface between brine and CO2, Haines jumps.