Case Studies in Delivering Plasma Produced Activation Energy to Surfaces: Liquids to Microelectronics

讲座名称: Case Studies in Delivering Plasma Produced Activation Energy to Surfaces: Liquids to Microelectronics
讲座时间: 2018-08-15
讲座人: Mark J. Kushner
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应电信学院李永东教授、常超教授的邀请,美国密西根大学Mark J. Kushner教授近期前来我校访问,并将做相关学术报告。 讲座题目:Case Studies in Delivering Plasma Produced Activation Energy to Surfaces: Liquids to Microelectronics 讲座时间:2018-08-15 上午8:30-10:00 讲座地点:电信学院电子物理所会议室(教二楼南206) 讲座人:Mark J. Kushner教授 讲座内容:Many of the recent advances in materials processing have relied on synergistic and sometimes fortuitous interactions of plasma produced activation energy – radicals, ions photons – with surfaces.  As control of plasmas is becoming more refined, new opportunities arise to leverage this activation energy for fabrication of new materials and to innovate new applications.  On one extreme, these advances have been motivated by the increasingly more difficult to meet demands of microelectronics fabrication, having smaller features with tighter critical dimensions.  At another extreme, plasma treatment of biological materials, from polymers to living tissue, is motivating an entirely new regime of control of plasmas at atmospheric pressure.  These latter processes have brought to the forefront the interactions of plasma with liquids, with applications ranging from human therapies to agriculture.  In this talk, strategies for controlling plasma produced activation energy to surfaces will be discussed with examples from computer modeling of plasma chemistry and plasma surface interactions for microelectronics fabrication and plasma activation of liquids.  Plasma activated microelectronics processes is challenged by plasma etching of high aspect ratio features (aspect ratios > 100) and atomic layer etching having sub-monolayer control. In principle, plasma activation of liquids share the same challenges of selectively controlling activation energy – however, doing so at atmospheric pressure brings a yet another unique set of challenges.    