【nature主编】Making your research count

讲座名称: 【nature主编】Making your research count
讲座时间: 2018-06-12
讲座人: Ed Gerstner/Paul Evans
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:【nature主编】Making your research count 讲座时间:2018年6月12日(星期二),下午3:00 讲座地点:西二楼A102,曲江校区 讲座人: Ed Gerstner(印格致)/Paul Evans  讲座内容: 1.Better understand the differences between the journals we publish. 2.Appreciate the increasing importance of making your research more open to Improve the quality of your research; Improve the usefulness of your research to others; Improve the impact of your research. 3.Learn how to write better papers that are clearer, more accessible, more likely to get published, and more likely to make a difference to the world.    