周惠久论坛——Data and Discovery: Accelerated search for materials with targeted properties

讲座名称: 周惠久论坛——Data and Discovery: Accelerated search for materials with targeted properties
讲座时间: 2018-05-18
讲座人: Turab Lookman
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座名称:周惠久论坛——Data and Discovery: Accelerated search for materials with targeted properties 讲座时间:2018-05-18  下午15:00—17:00 讲座地点:新材料大楼材料学院第一会议室 讲座人:Prof. Turab Lookman     讲座内容: Finding new materials with targeted properties with as few experiments as possible has been a key goal of the materials genome initiative, now expanding in several countries. The enormous complexity due to the interplay of structural, chemical and microstructural degrees of freedom in materials makes the rational design of new materials rather difficult. Machine learning and optimization, used in industry for solving complex problems, are increasingly being adapted for the design of new materials by rapidly learning from past data and making smart decisions. However, the number of well characterized samples available as sources of data to learn from is often typically small. I will review some of the examples we have examined, including guiding experiments for more desirable alloys and ceramics and the use of high throughput electronic structure calculations to find new perovskites. I will end by showing how coherent diffraction data from large scale facilities are allowing us to image 3D vortices in ceramics   主办单位:材料学院       金属材料强度国家重点实验室     