Additive Manufacturing Designing and Process Simulation增材制造设计和工艺仿真

讲座名称: Additive Manufacturing Designing and Process Simulation增材制造设计和工艺仿真
讲座时间: 2018-04-20
讲座人: Claus Pedersen
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应西安交通大学先进制造技术研究所邀请,达索系统SIMULIA优化技术总监Claus Pedersen博士来我校进行学术交流,欢迎各位感兴趣的同学和老师参加。 讲座题目:Additive Manufacturing Designing and Process Simulation增材制造设计和工艺仿真 讲座时间:2018年4月20日(星期五)9:00 讲座地点:机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室  西安交通大学曲江校区西五楼A420 讲座人:Claus Pedersen博士,达索系统SIMULIA优化技术总监 讲座内容: 此次报告将集中展现最新的工业级仿真解决方案和工作流用于解决增材制造中的工艺问题模拟和采用结构拓扑、尺寸优化的设计技术。基于真实的仿真技术可以考虑诸如工艺装配中的预载荷,螺栓连接的刚度和接触等问题开展面向增材制造的结构优化,并考虑特殊的工艺问题如打印支撑约束对于拓扑优化的影响。基于通用热应力有限元求解器开发高度定制化的仿真架构,来减少增材制造中多种工艺方法在实际制造中的试错过程,更好保证增材零件满足安装公差、产品性能和耐久性等要求。报告将介绍在航空航天、汽车和耐用消费品等行业的应用案例和仿真试验验证工作。 The present presentation shows the latest industrial simulation solutions and workflows applied for Additive Manufacturing (AM) process simulation and designing with a special focus on structural topology and sizing optimization. Realistic simulation including pre-loading of the assemble process, stiffness of the bolt connections and contacts are included for realistic AM optimization results. An AM constraint for topology optimization is considered in the form of an overhanging constraint. Additionally, a highly customizable general simulation framework is proposed for a wide spectrum of AM processes based on a general thermal-stress general purpose finite element code for eliminating trial-and-error manufacturing adjustments as well as ensuring that produced AM parts meet tolerance, performance and durability requirements. Several industrial applications and benchmarks from the aerospace, automotive and consumer goods industry will be shown.    