海外名家大讲堂—讲座二:应用混合制冷剂的蒸气压缩系统(Vapor Compression Systems with Refrigerant Mixtures)

讲座名称: 海外名家大讲堂—讲座二:应用混合制冷剂的蒸气压缩系统(Vapor Compression Systems with Refrigerant Mixtures)
讲座时间: 2017-12-08
讲座人: Radermacher, Reinhard
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 海外名家大讲堂 讲座二:应用混合制冷剂的蒸气压缩系统(Vapor Compression Systems with Refrigerant Mixtures)  讲座时间:12月8日下午2:00-5:00 讲座地点:西安交通大学北二楼2楼报告厅 讲座人:Radermacher, Reinhard教授 邀请人:晏刚 副教授 讲座内容:为了寻找一种安全可靠、制冷性能良好的新型制冷剂,众多企业将目光投向了混合制冷剂,认为混合制冷剂是平衡制冷性能、安全性、环保要求的最佳替代物。然而,混合制冷剂的应用具有其特有的困难。如果应用得当,蒸气压缩式系统中的混合制冷剂可以提升系统能效,反之,混合制冷剂的特性会对系统的生产和维护带来复杂性并降低系统能效。本讲座将针对混合制冷剂的优势和劣势进行探索和讨论。 In an effort to address all performance requirements and safety characteristics of new refrigerants, companies look at the use of refrigerant mixtures as a way of finding the best possible compromise. However, mixtures pose their own challenges and opportunities to increase efficiency when applied just right and to hurt performance and complicate manufacturing and maintenance when their properties are not taken into account appropriately.This seminar explores and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of refrigerant mixtures.