Synthesis and Ignition of Energetic Materials

讲座名称: Synthesis and Ignition of Energetic Materials
讲座时间: 2017-09-23
讲座人: 郑晓琳
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应动力机械及工程专业黄佐华教授、汤成龙副教授的邀请,美国斯坦福大学郑晓琳副教授将于2017年9月23日来我校进行学术访问,并将做有关含能材料合成、着火与燃烧方面的学术报告,届时欢迎各位师生参与交流。 报告题目:Synthesis and Ignition of Energetic Materials 报告时间:2017年9月23日 上午10:00 -11:30 报告地点:北二楼大厅会议室 报告人:郑晓琳教授 报告摘要: Energetic materials, such as aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si), due to their large volumetric energy densities, earth abundance, and low cost, have broad applications in propulsion, thermal batteries, waste disposal and power generation for microsystems. The energetic materials are commonly prepared by mechanically mixing fuel and oxidizer powders, so the non-uniform mixing leads to difficulty in ignition and slow energy release rates. Ideal energetic materials would have the reactive components mixed on an atomic to nanometer scale to reduce the mass transport distance and increase the interfacial surface area. In this study, I will present two examples on strategies to facilitate the ignition of energetic materials. The first example illustrates our efforts in synthesizing various Al and CuO core/shell structures and characterizing their impact on their reaction onset temperatures. The second example discusses a Xe flash optical ignition method that we invented to utilize the photothermal effect to achieve areal ignition. We have successfully used the Xe flash method to ignition Al nanoparticles (NPs), with extension to Al micron-sized particles (MPs), porous Si, Si NPs and MPs. I believe that our synthetic and optical ignition approaches can be broadly applied to other energetic materials to facilitate their ignition properties.  