Bioinspired Multiscale Systems for Tissue Regeneration and Cancer Therapy

讲座名称: Bioinspired Multiscale Systems for Tissue Regeneration and Cancer Therapy
讲座时间: 2017-07-18
讲座人: Xiaoming He
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应生命学院徐峰教授邀请,美国俄亥俄州立大学Xiaoming He教授来我院做学术交流。 讲座题目: Bioinspired Multiscale Systems for Tissue Regeneration and Cancer Therapy 讲座时间: 2017年7月18日(星期二)   上午 10:00 讲座地点:生命学院(教2楼)308学术报告厅 讲座人: Xiaoming He 教授 讲座摘要:Over the past decades, tremendous advancements have been made in discovering new therapeutic agents for medicine from the traditional small molecules to peptides/proteins, genetic materials, and more recently cells and tissues. However, the challenge to safely and effectively deliver these agents from their procurement to the clinical use in human body is still enormous. The issues range from poor bioavailability, systemic toxicity, and low specificity for the acellular agents, to poor survival after long-term storage, non-physiological cultivation in vitro, and immune rejection in vivo for cell-based medicine. We have been working on addressing these issues facing today’s medicine using a bioinspired multiscale engineering approach. In this talk, I will show our recent data on developing and utilizing novel bioinspired multiscale biomaterials and devices to engineer various normal and cancer stem cells and immune cells for treating ischemic diseases, modulating immune reactions, and fighting against cancer.    