Programmable Hydrogels for Protein Delivery and Regenerative Medicine

讲座名称: Programmable Hydrogels for Protein Delivery and Regenerative Medicine
讲座时间: 2017-07-17
讲座人: Yong Wang
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应生命学院张晓慧教授邀请,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学教授 Yong Wang来我院做学术交流。 讲座题目: Programmable Hydrogels for Protein Delivery and Regenerative Medicine 讲座时间: 2017年7月17日(星期一)下午3:00-4:00 讲座地点:生命学院报告厅(教二北308) 讲座人:Yong Wang 教授 讲座摘要: The field of materials science has evolved from the study of inert and passive materials to the design of adaptive and active materials that hold great potential for a variety of biomedical applications such as drug delivery and regenerative medicine. Our lab is interested in developing programmable hydrogels that can control the capture and release of bioactive substances ranging from proteins to cells. In this talk, I will discuss how we develop bioactive hydrogels using nucleic acid aptamers for controlled protein release and their potential applications.       