外国语言文化论坛(第九十五讲):讲座一The Evaluative Know-how of Chinese Academics: the case of evaluative it patterns in research articles

讲座名称: 外国语言文化论坛(第九十五讲):讲座一The Evaluative Know-how of Chinese Academics: the case of evaluative it patterns in research articles
讲座时间: 2017-06-28
讲座人: 卫乃兴
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 外国语言文化论坛(第九十五讲) 讲座一: 讲座题目:The Evaluative Know-how of Chinese Academics: the case of evaluative it patterns in research articles 讲座时间:  2017年6月28日下午 16:30-18:20 讲座地点:  逸夫外文楼十层多功能学术报告厅B1001 Abstract: In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the evaluative language use in texts, particularly academic research articles in various spheres and by scholars of different L1 backgrounds (see Groom 2005, Hewings & Hewings 2002, Larsson 2016). Few large-scale systematic studies, however, have been conducted to address the evaluative know-how of the Chinese academics, as shown in their use of the evaluative it patterns in research articles. This study is a contrastive analysis of the uses of evaluative it patterns in research articles by Chinese scholars and Western scholars.  By utilizing Hunston's (2011; Hunston & Francis 2000) pattern grammar approach, we set out to explore the characteristic similarities and differences in the use of evaluative it patterns, based on data of a large-scale comparable corpus of academic English constructed at Beihang University. The findings show that four it patterns stand out prominently in terms of frequency of occurrence in both sets of texts. Among them, the patterns it v-link ADJ to and it v-link ADJ that are most frequently used, followed by the patterns it v-link ADJ for n to and it v-link ADJ wh-. Marked differences in frequency of use are noted for the two groups of language users: except for the it v-link ADJ for n to, the Chinese scholars have used all the other three patterns significantly infrequently than their Western counterparts. Furthermore, the two groups of academics tend to express very different evaluative meanings with these patterns: the Chinese scholars make much greater use of the patterns to express the meanings of difficulty and certainty whereas Western scholars use them more often to indicate importance and likelihood. The differences are discussed with reference to L2 knowledge, epistemology and pragmatic competence. We thus offer suggestions for L2 EAP writing and academic discourse analysis accordingly.  