
讲座名称: 信息管理系大数据与管理高端讲座【2】
讲座时间: 2017-06-22
讲座人: 黄帅
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座题目:An Industrial Engineering Perspective of Data Science 讲座时间:6月22日上午9:00-11:30 讲座地点:管理学院大楼121 报告人:黄帅教授 报告摘要: Data Science is not new to Industrial Engineers. As earlier as in the 90s of the 20th century, the term Data Science has been coined in numerous research publications in Industrial Engineering areas such as statistical quality control, engineering statistics, and design of experiments. This tradition of integrating statistics with operations research for system engineering has been the backbone of conducting systematic operations in many industries, nurturing generations of workforces in different areas and continuing to inspire novel researches as an evergreen academic area. In this workshop, Dr. Shuai Huang will share his experience with graduate and undergraduate students and faculty members at XJTU who are interested on data-driven research in Industrial Engineering to solve real-world problems with innovations in both statistics and operations research.   社会科学处 校青工委 青年教师跨学科论坛工作组 2017年6月19日  