Biofilm: Friend or Foe? (生物膜:是敌是友?)

讲座名称: Biofilm: Friend or Foe? (生物膜:是敌是友?)
讲座时间: 2017-05-19
讲座人: 张文
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 报告题目:Biofilm: Friend or Foe? (生物膜:是敌是友?) 报告时间:2017年5月19日,16:00-18:00 报告地点:北二楼能动学院1403会议室 报告人:张文副教授(美国阿肯色大学) 邀请人:梁继东副教授(能源与动力工程学院 环境工程系) 报告内容: Biofilm is a ubiquitous aggregate of microorganisms attached to a surface which exists in nature and specialized industrial processes. Biofilm can have beneficial and detrimental impact. Beneficial uses of biofilm include contaminants degradation within water and wastewater treatment; however, biofilm can also cause biofouling, metal corrosion, pipe obstruction, and infection in various applications.  In this presentation, several projects focusing on biofilm will be introduced, including biofilm in natural environment (accumulation of antibiotic resistance genes under the influence of agricultural runoff), and in engineering systems (biofilm composition and contribution in drinking water treatment process). The improved understanding of biofilm will contribute to better control strategies in water and wastewater systems.  