Big Data Analytics for Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled Manufacturing

讲座名称: Big Data Analytics for Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled Manufacturing
讲座时间: 2016-12-23
讲座人: 钟润阳
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应周光辉教授邀请,新西兰奥克兰大学终生讲师博士来我院进行学术交流并作大数据分析与物联网制造方面的报告。 讲座题目: Big Data Analytics for Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled Manufacturing 讲座时间:2016年12月23日 上午9:00 – 10:20 讲座地点:机械学院第三会议室 Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) technologies like RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) are used for manufacturing shopfloors where typical manufacturing resources are converted into smart manufacturing objects (SMOs). SMOs are equipped with appropriate level of intelligence, allowing them to intelligently predict and react to physical world events, and make decisions autonomously with and without human intervention. Along with the enormous interactions among large number of SMOs in production sites, great myriad of data will be generated. Such Big Data is able to greatly upgrade the IoT-enabled manufacturing and create better decision-making mechanisms. This talk introduces an IoT-enabled manufacturing by systematically deploying RFID devices and wireless network to create a smart environment where SMOs are able to interact and interconnect with each other so that vast number of data will be generated. A Big Data Analytics approach is presented to make full use the data for various production decision-makings. Firstly, an innovative RFID-Cuboid model is proposed to organize the abstract and complex sensed data. Secondly, a Big Data Analytics framework is presented to process the organized RFID Big Data. Thirdly, data-driven production decisions like planning and scheduling, logistics and performance evaluation models are presented. Finally, some practical cases will be demonstrated for examining the feasibility and practicality of the proposed approaches.  